Perl is a well-liked scripting language which is considered to be one of the most practical programming languages in the online world. It's feature-rich and it's used to set up various web-based apps and CGI scripts. What differentiates Perl from most of the other languages on the web is its compatibility with modules - groups of commands for a certain task which can be integrated into a script by calling them i.e. you can write a single line in your script to have a whole module executed, rather than having the whole program code that is already a part of the module anyway. Because Perl can be used with numerous other languages and it comes with a lot of options based on what a particular application can do, it's used by a number of renowned companies - the BBC, Craigslist, The Internet Movie Database (IMDB), cPanel, etcetera.
Perl Scripting in Shared Web Hosting
You are able to use CGI scripts and applications written in Perl with any of our shared web hosting plans because we have a rich library more than 3000 modules installed on our custom-made cloud hosting platform to ensure that all dependencies for a custom or a pre-made script are there every time you need them. You will be able to execute a .pl file in two separate ways - either manually through your site, or automatically using a cron job that will run a certain file regularly. If the plan that you've ordered does not come with cron jobs included, you'll be able to add as many as you want through the Upgrades menu inside your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Also, you need to make sure that the script file has the right executable permissions. Using our shared packages, you are able to create a site with as many functions and features as you like.