The monthly site traffic feature is sometimes identified as info transfer or bandwidth as well, but all of these terms apply to the very same thing - how much content can be transferred to and from your shared web hosting account. The web site traffic can be produced in two ways, the more apparent one being site visits. If somebody goes to your website, their browser requests and downloads the pages from the hosting server and then displays them on their end. The more visitors you have, the more outbound traffic is produced from your web hosting account. As this particular characteristic contains the entire website traffic, not only the site visits, you shouldn't forget that incoming traffic is counted too. Which means web site content and other files that you upload to your account through a file manager or an FTP application are measured towards the account quota. Your transfer is typically monitored monthly and the counter resets on the very first day of every month regardless of your actual signup date.
Monthly Traffic in Shared Web Hosting
All of our shared web hosting plans are perfect for any type of small-scale to medium-sized site and even a larger variety of sites. Considering that you can host various domain names using a single account, we have designed our plans in a way so as to provide all functions you'll need. Whether you run an individual portfolio web site or an e-commerce website, our monthly traffic quota that your website can use will never be a problem. Thus, you will have the chance to broaden your worldwide web presence and have a large number of new website visitors without worrying about getting to some limit. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel provides you with comprehensive details for the traffic usage to and from your account, that will allow you to handle your websites and the account better. You will be able to check monthly, daily and hourly stats, the site traffic generated by each domain and by the account as a whole, the most often downloaded files, etc.