The Name Servers of a domain name point out the DNS servers that manage its DNS records. The Internet protocol address of the site (A record), the mail server that handles the emails for a domain (MX records), any text record in free form (TXT record), forwarding (CNAME record) and so on are extracted from the DNS servers of the hosting provider and for any Internet domain to be using them and to be forwarded to their hosting platform, it has to have their name servers, or NS records. If you want to open a site, for instance, and you enter the URL, the browser connects to a DNS server, which keeps the NS records for the domain address and the request is then redirected to the DNS servers of the hosting company where the A record of the website is obtained, enabling you to view the content from the correct location. Commonly a domain name has two name servers that start with NS or DNS as a prefix and the contrast between the two is only visual.
NS Records in Shared Web Hosting
The innovative Hepsia Control Panel, included with with our shared web hosting packages, will allow you to manage the name servers of any domain registered through us with only a couple of clicks, so even though you may have never had a hosting plan or a domain name before, you won't encounter any difficulties. The Domain Manager tool, which is a part of Hepsia, comes with a very user-friendly interface and it'll permit you to edit the NS records of any domain name or even a number of domain names simultaneously. We offer you the chance to set up child name servers and for any domain address registered inside the account just as easily and all you need for that is a couple of IPs - either ours, if you're going to use the child NS to direct the domain address to the account on our cloud platform, or the ones of the third-party provider if you'll use the new records to redirect the domain address to their system. In contrast to other providers, we do not charge additional for providing this additional DNS management service.