With an electronic mailing list, you will be able to send out the exact same message to different recipients at the same time. The list is a collection of their email addresses, so every time you send out one single message to the list’s email address, newsletter@domain.com – for example, it’ll be forwarded automatically to all the mailing list subscribers instantaneously. Usually, people need to join such a mailing list, but occasionally email addresses can be included manually as well, depending on the software program that is being used to administer the mailing list itself. You can use the mailing list feature to touch base with prospective or existing clients and to send them announcements, brand-new offerings and other types of information on a regular basis. This will show your commitment to keep in touch with them and will boost the popularity of your website.
Mailing Lists in Shared Web Hosting
In case you’ve got a shared web hosting plan with our company and you’d like to set up an electronic mailing list, it will take less than one minute and a few clicks of the mouse to accomplish that. You can add and delete mailing lists through the Email Manager instrument, which is part of our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel. During the process, you can select the mailbox that will be used to send email messages to your mailing list subscribers and the administrator email address and password that you will use, so as to be able to adjust a variety of settings, to add and delete mailing list subscribers, etc. You can update the admin details whenever you like from the very same section of the Control Panel. We employ Majordomo, a powerful and popular mailing list management software application, which will give you full command over the everyday e-correspondence with your subscribers.