All devices on the Web are identified by a specific number called an IP address, such as When you have a website, the domain name that you type to access it is to save you time, yet the server where your website files are still has an IP. Since there are many more sites and devices than there're IP addresses, all of the shared web hosting servers have a number of sites under the same IP, whereas when you use a dedicated server you'll have a dedicated IP too. Even in the first case though, you are able to obtain a dedicated IP for your sites and host them on a shared server. An advantage would be that you will get better search engine rankings since a dedicated IP often means a quicker loading website. What is more, you need such an IP if you intend to acquire an SSL certificate for your site and protect the data that visitors submit on it.
Dedicated IP Address in Shared Web Hosting
We provide dedicated IPs with all our shared web hosting plans whatever the data center location and you can get one or several IPs from your Hepsia Control Panel. A new section will appear in your account and you will be able to request, delete or view your IPs with just a few clicks. You are able to select what number of domains or subdomains will use a particular IP as you can assign one with a few clicks to any hostname. To give an example, can be the main website, which uses a server's shared IP, while can be the subdomain where you offer services or goods online and it could have a dedicated IP address together with an SSL certificate. You can change the IP that a domain uses through the Hosted Domains section where you can also keep track which IPs are in use and which ones are available. You can also set a couple of of your websites to use the same dedicated IP provided that there is no SSL activated for it.
Dedicated IP Address in Dedicated Servers
In case you order a dedicated server, you probably would like to run a web application or host a number of websites, so we supply three dedicated IP addresses gratis with each and every plan and you can use them as you decide - a software server, an SSL certificate, even child name servers for a domain that you have registered here or through another company. The aforementioned option is very helpful in case you use your dedicated server to host customers' Internet sites considering that it'll give you trustworthiness and anonymity as a hosting supplier. The server billing Control Panel will enable you to add extra IPs as well - the upgrade is in increments of three and takes just a few clicks in the Upgrades section, therefore you will be able to go ahead and use your new dedicated IP addresses several minutes after you submit your order.