What is Moodle?

When you represent an academic institution and you also need to make your sessions available on the www, then Moodle has to be your number 1 preference. Moodle delivers a web–based tutoring web application which is created specifically for instructors and lecturers, who wish to help to make their programmes available on the www.

In the interest of it’s very specific audience, Moodle is built to be convenient–to–use by both the instructor and the pupil, in order to be more practical. Because of this, there’s such a substantial community, focused on developing plugins and themes that expand Moodle’s primary functions.

Moodle is a registered trademark of Martin Dougiamas and shares no affiliation with Site Merchants.

Online School Shared Web Hosting Plans Services

If you run an online course for students, your web site ought to be constantly available on the web, disregarding how many students are browsing it at the same time. At Site Merchants you will find special Online School shared web hosting plans services with 99.9% service uptime, guaranteed. Which means that regardless of what takes place, your site will invariably remain online.

All of the Online School shared web hosting plans plans additionally come with unrestricted disk space, unlimited data traffic and limitless MySQL storage. To kick–start your instructional site, we additionally will provide a completely free domain name registration or domain transfer. In addition, we will install Moodle for your site the instant you register. Consequently, when you log in inside of your control panel, you’ll have your Moodle web site already available on the internet, awaiting you.

A Point & Click Web Control Panel

To make the management of your Moodle educational site less difficult, we have created our very own custom made Web Control Panel. It’s offered in more than 10 languages and links site control and domain management in a single location. It’s moreover created to live completely inside the cloud and supplies performance and protection better than those of various other control panels.

Site Merchants’s Control Panel is stuffed with free of cost applications and bonuses. With Site Merchants’s Online School shared web hosting plans plan, you will get Moodle installed automatically. With the control panel, you are able to set up any single one of over 40 reliable applications including Joomla and Wordpress with zero configuration required, due to our Web Applications Installer. Furthermore, you can utilize Site Merchants’s Web Site Acceleration Tools to significantly hasten up your websites. Our Online Stats Manager will start functioning automatically, without having to incorporate any sort of tracking code to your sites.