If you have a web site or an application, pace is very important. The faster your website functions and also the quicker your web applications work, the better for you. Since a website is a selection of files that communicate with each other, the systems that store and work with these files have an important role in web site efficiency.

Hard drives, or HDDs, were, right up until recent years, the most reliable devices for saving data. However, lately solid–state drives, or SSDs, have been rising in popularity. Look at our assessment chart to view whether HDDs or SSDs are more suitable for you.

1. Access Time


Due to a radical new approach to disk drive general performance, SSD drives enable for much quicker file accessibility speeds. Having an SSD, data file access times tend to be lower (only 0.1 millisecond).


HDD drives even now makes use of the exact same fundamental data file access concept that’s originally created in the 1950s. Though it has been substantially upgraded consequently, it’s slower as compared with what SSDs are providing. HDD drives’ file access rate ranges in between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


On account of the completely new significant file storage strategy embraced by SSDs, they offer quicker data access rates and faster random I/O performance.

Throughout our tests, all SSDs revealed their ability to manage no less than 6000 IO’s per second.


Hard drives feature reduced file access speeds because of the older file storage space and access technique they’re by making use of. And in addition they demonstrate much sluggish random I/O performance compared to SSD drives.

Throughout our tests, HDD drives dealt with around 400 IO operations per second.

3. Reliability


SSD drives are made to include as less rotating components as is practical. They utilize a comparable concept like the one found in flash drives and are much more dependable compared with common HDD drives.

SSDs provide an common failing rate of 0.5%.


HDD drives use spinning disks for holding and browsing data – a technology since the 1950s. And with hard disks magnetically suspended in mid–air, spinning at 7200 rpm, the prospect of something going wrong are generally increased.

The regular rate of failure of HDD drives can vary among 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives are usually smaller compared to HDD drives and they lack any moving parts at all. It means that they don’t generate just as much heat and require significantly less electricity to function and less power for cooling purposes.

SSDs consume between 2 and 5 watts.


HDD drives are famous for getting loud. They demand far more electrical power for chilling applications. On a web server which has several HDDs running continually, you need a great deal of fans to ensure that they’re kept cool – this may cause them much less energy–economical than SSD drives.

HDDs use up in between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


SSD drives enable speedier file accessibility speeds, that, in return, allow the processor to complete file queries much faster and then to return to additional tasks.

The standard I/O hold out for SSD drives is exactly 1%.


HDD drives permit slower access rates when compared to SSDs do, which will result for the CPU needing to hang around, although arranging allocations for the HDD to locate and give back the demanded file.

The regular I/O wait for HDD drives is around 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


It’s about time for some real–world instances. We, at Site Merchants, competed a detailed system backup on a web server only using SSDs for file storage reasons. In that procedure, the average service time for any I/O request kept beneath 20 ms.


Weighed against SSD drives, HDDs deliver considerably reduced service times for input/output requests. Throughout a server backup, the regular service time for any I/O query can vary somewhere between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


Talking about back–ups and SSDs – we have detected a fantastic improvement in the back up rate since we moved to SSDs. Today, a usual server back up will take merely 6 hours.


We implemented HDDs exclusively for a couple of years and we have got great knowledge of precisely how an HDD runs. Generating a backup for a server equipped with HDD drives is going to take about 20 to 24 hours.

With Site Merchants, you may get SSD–driven web hosting solutions at good prices. Our shared web hosting plans contain SSD drives automatically. Get an website hosting account with Site Merchants and watch the way your web sites will become better without delay.

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